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Would you like to discover tips and tricks on all kinds of love trends – from lube to ben wa balls and so on?
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Swimming with a tampon – what to consider?

It's time again. You have your rule and would like to pursue your leisure activities without restrictions. Back in school you might have liked to be…

JOYDIVISION swimming with Soft-Tampons
A lube for women belongs in every drawer!

Even though many women don't know it, lube makes sex better. Many factors – and we are not talking about listlessness – can lead to a dry vagina. In…

JOYDIVISION lubricant for women
Pelvic floor training with ben wa balls

The pelvic floor muscles do great things, but in old age and even after pregnancy, they may be exhausted. The consequences are unpleasant and very…

JOYDIVISION Loveballs against incontinence
Ben wa balls during sex = more orgasms?

Only one third of women in Germany always or almost always reach orgasm during sex. It's a pity, but even more surprising, that according to a study…

JOYDIVISION Loveballs during sex = more orgasms
Which lube? The ultimate guide!

The offer is huge and no wonder that you are faced with the question "which lube" should I buy, or do I perhaps even need more than just "one" lube?

Which lubricant - The ultimate guide
Vaginal bleaching: trend or psychological strain?

In search of the perfect body, you sometimes end up in the remotest places. Were topics like anal bleaching, penis bleaching, nipple bleaching…

JOYDIVISION Vaginal bleaching - trend or psychological strain
Help! Help! My ben wa balls are slipping out!

Anything that doesn't fit will now be made to fit.

The first step has been taken! You want to do something for your pelvic floor! But what to do now?…

JOYDIVISION Help! Help! My love balls are slipping out!
The clitoris loves lube

The clitoris is one of the most erogenous zones of the body with its approximately 8,000 nerve endings that meet there. For comparison: In the glans…

JOYDIVISION The clitoris loves lubricant
Using lube correctly

Did you know that massage oils, lube or even some silicone lubricants can destroy condoms or sex toys? We'll explain the 5 Golden Lubricant Rules.


JOYDIVISION Using lubricants correctly
Do condoms offer protection against HPV infections?

ATTENTION: Only 50% of condoms protect against HPV infections! But there is a lube that can withstand the viruses - BIOglide safe

The widespread…

JOYDIVISION Do condoms offer protection against HPV infections?