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Joystick micro-sets celebrate anniversary

The micro Joysticks "Gyro" and "Ladylike" have been convincing as little bringer of joy for 10 years. The special highlight: The toys are available in a low-priced set. Each mircro-set consists of two exchangeable silicomed covers and a powerful electronic bullet vibrator with three intensity levels. The silicomed cases included in the set have two different surface structures which can be used according to mood and preference.

With the purchase of the Joystick micro-set, the user is prepared for every moment of pleasure and can even easily store the "Symbol of Lifestyle" in her handbag.

The gyro is available in the micro-set in the following colour combinations:
Purple + white, magenta + pistachio and red + black. The Joystick Ladylike delights in the colours blackberry + lilac.

As a matter of course for JOYDIVISION, all Joysticks are made of medical Silikomed and are dermatologically and clinically tested. Thanks to the high-quality material with a 5-year material guarantee, the Joysticks micro-sets can be used with all lubricants. The bullets are powered by a standard battery and have quiet vibrations. The "Made in Germany" lifestyle toy sets itself optimally in its high-quality packaging and with comfortable Euro perforation.