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The original. Soft-Tampons: World market leader for almost 25 years

It is nice to be a woman, but once a month this joy is limited by the female cycle. To reduce these restrictions to a minimum, the threadless soft tampons were developed - in cooperation with gynaecologists.  Since 1998, the Soft-Tampons have revolutionised the lives of many women.

Unlike conventional tampons, the Soft-Tampons are not made of viscose or cotton, but of a special soft foam material that is compatible with the mucous membranes.
Soft-Tampons are not only suitable for all everyday activities, but especially for

  • discreet wearing in the sauna (no thread is visible)
  • comfortable to wear during sports activities
  • the safe carrying while swimming
  • hygienic intimate intercourse as a rule (is hardly noticeable to the partner)

With the lifestyle product Soft-Tampons, millions of women in many countries have already enjoyed their freedom.
In the download below you will find the complete chronicle of our Soft-Tampons!