Joyballs anal Wave, short, blue
anal beads
- Made in Germany
- Symphony of Lust – thanks to varying sphere sizes
- compact design – ideal for beginners
- multiple sequential stimulation by varying ball size
- safety loop – can not slip in
- FREE of Plasticiser (Phthalate & Bisphenol A (BPA))
- hypoallergenic (free from allergenic substances)
- dermatologically tested
- made of medical grade Silikomed® – suitable with all lubricants
Do you enjoy anal pleasure and want to try out something new? Then we recommend the easy-to-clean Joyballs anal Wave, made of medical grade Silikomed®. Whether you’re playing alone or together, the pearls will provide you with explosive moments, from the very moment you insert the first one. With each movement, they bring great pleasure, stimulating previously undiscovered areas! If pulled out at the climax of excitement, the Joyballs will create an unforgettably powerful orgasm.
Joyballs should be used in conjunction with a water-based lubricant, such as AQUAglide or BIOglide.
ø 1,8 cm + 2,5 cm + 3,0 cm
Lenght: 17,5 cm
20.20 €
Silikomed® (TPE)
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
For even more safety and comfort, the easy to clean Joyballs are made of dermatologically and clinically tested and very body-friendly Silikomed®. Free from phatlates, polycarbonates and bisphenol A.
Silicones are the love toy materials of the future, because in principle they only have advantages and are superior to most other toy materials in many respects: Silicones are largely produced synthetically from natural raw materials and are therefore regarded as natural products.
In addition, silicones are physiologically very well tolerated (i.e. not harmful to health), non-toxic and food-safe, which is why they are also used for skin protection, cosmetic skin care and plastic surgery, as well as for baking moulds or in dentistry.
You should always pay particular attention to hygiene and safe handling. For example, it is recommended to use lube, which must be compatible with your toy. Cleaning before and after use should also be included. In most cases it is sufficient to clean the toy with mild soap and warm water. However, disinfecting with a Toy Cleaner is also usually advisable. But you should also pay attention to the quality of the toy when buying it, because production seams or inferior material can damage you. Furthermore, you should not share your toys or use them with condoms, as diseases can be transmitted here as well. You should also avoid switching between vaginal and anal use or only use a condom when you change your toy.
Most women feel an improvement in their symptoms after just two to three weeks if they consistently use pelvic floor training balls. Full muscle tone is achieved through training within about six to twelve weeks. However, the training effect also decreases over time when the muscles are no longer used.
What happens if you cannot hold the balls?
Important: Not every pelvic floor is equally strong! If you cannot hold the balls, you should not give up, but simply try the training again several times a day. Even if you can only hold the balls for 1 second, you will certainly feel a small increase next time. And the result will get better day by day.
Important: Not every pelvic floor is equally strong! If you cannot hold the balls, you should not give up, but simply try the training again several times a day. Even if you can only hold the balls for 1 second, you will certainly feel a small increase next time. And the result is getting better every day.
Joyballs secret are worn completely invisible in the body and have no visible return band, but a patented return loop.
The Joyballs should be cleaned thoroughly after and before each use.
Warm water and soap are sufficient for cleaning. We recommend clean'n'safe as a tried and tested disinfectant for use with Joyballs.
The American gynaecologist Dr. Arnold H. Kegel (1894 - 1981) "invented" pelvic floor training. Dr. Kegel was a gynaecologist who had noticed that many women had temporary urinary incontinence problems after giving birth. He therefore developed a series of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. According to the "inventor" of pelvic floor training, pelvic floor training is also called "Kegel".
Pelvic floor exercises are simple, and the practical thing is that many pelvic floor exercises can be done anywhere without other people noticing what you are doing.
The pelvic floor has an important function in the female organism. It keeps the pelvic organs (bladder and uterus) in the right position and during pregnancy it holds the baby. The strong pelvic floor reduces functional disorders of the bladder (incontinence) and controls the release of bowel and bladder contents. Uterus prolapse is prevented by good musculature. A strong pelvic floor can also increase the feeling of pleasure and the ability to reach orgasm.
On the one hand, you can use the balls to develop an awareness of how your pelvic floor muscles feel. On the other hand - when the pelvic floor muscles are still untrained - the operating principle of the Joyballs is based on a "biofeedback principle". In each ball there is a weight that reacts to the movements of your body. Due to the weight of the balls (and the ergonomically adapted shape) the joyballs try to slide out - which the pelvic floor muscles in turn try to prevent. The resulting muscle contractions correspond to strength training with weights. Furthermore, inside the joyballs, the balls swing against the outer wall with every movement. An integrated innovative "trampoline effect" (especially optimised function of the Joyballs secret) triggers gentle "kinetic vibrations" that stimulate your pelvic floor muscles to tense and relax, additionally stimulating them and also improving blood circulation.
The second type is a combined biofeedback gymnastics.
Here the advantages of the biofeedback training already described are combined with special pelvic floor training exercises. Combined biofeedback gymnastics is the most effective training method for best results.
Silikomed® is a new type of plastic with many positive properties. It is easy to process and very kind to the skin.
It contains no harmful substances such as plasticizers, is waterproof, mechanically resilient and therefore also successfully used in some other medical devices.
The material is also compatible with both water- and silicone-based lube.
Yes, because many manufacturers of toys actually recommend the use of lube in their instructions. However, there is only one restriction: never use toys that contain silicone or are made entirely of silicone with lubricants containing silicone. This will destroy the toys, as the silicone lube will dissolve the silicone out of the toys and make them unusable.
Gently insert the Joyballs into the vagina in a relaxed position (like a tampon) First insert the first ball and then the second ball so that the balls are just covered by the vaginal wall and you can still easily reach the return loop. The use of lube (e.g. AQUAglide or BIOglide) - for easy and painless insertion - is recommended. The two balls should sit almost vertically with the return loop downwards.
A training session should last a maximum of 10 minutes. Depending on how long the muscles can hold the balls, the training can be less than a minute at the beginning and will then increase as the muscles build up. The training can be done standing or walking. Two training sessions of up to 10 minutes a day are initially sufficient. If you can hold the joyballs for more than 10 minutes without any problems, you should combine the training with gymnastic pelvic floor training.
Once you have learned to use these muscles correctly, train them regularly, ideally once to a maximum of three times a day. Daily exercise is recommended for sustained training progress. It only takes a few minutes and can be done in various positions (e.g. sitting, standing or lying down). Nobody sees what you are doing. At first you may only be able to hold the tension for a second or two. Increase the power to a maximum of ten seconds. Take a break between the strains for at least the same length of time as the straining (e.g. five seconds of tension, five seconds rest). At the beginning, you may feel tired after just a few tenses. Gradually increase your performance to ten repetitions. You can also do some quick and strong contractions. You can also do some quick and strong contractions, pulling the muscles together as hard as you can before you relax again. Repeat this exercise up to ten times.
The operating principle of the Joyballs is based on biofeedback, i.e. on a reflex reaction of the pelvic floor muscles. Due to their own weight and ergonomically adapted shape, the Joyballs try to slide out again, which the pelvic floor tries to prevent by contracting. The random movement of the ball inside the Joyballs additionally stimulates the muscles. The contractions during a training session correspond to a strength training with weights.
The structure inside the Joyballs secret ben wa balls has been designed to allow the ball inside to move according to a random pattern, allowing the muscles of the pelvic floor to relax and tense up more than in a monotonous movement. This allows for more effective training even with little movement.
- if your doctor advises against use
- during menstruation
- for vaginal inflammation
- for vaginal infection
- during vaginal wound healing (e.g. after an episiotomy)
- during and after pregnancy only after consultation with your gynaecologist or midwife
There are a number of risk factors that can cause the pelvic floor to become less stable:
- Untrained pelvic floor: The untrained pelvic floor has little to do to counteract the ageing process or the risk factors already described, it is more likely to lose its ability to hold on.
- Childbirths: Every birth puts extreme strain on the pelvic floor. If it is not exercised afterwards, its ability to hold on to the body will decrease considerably over time.
- Frequent lifting and carrying heavy loads: This also puts a disproportionately high strain on the pelvic floor.
- Hormones: If the production of oestrogen decreases significantly with the onset of the menopause, this also has a negative effect on the pelvic floor muscles.
- Being overweight: The heavier a person is, the more effort the pelvic floor has to make to do its job.
- Age: The older a person is, the more their muscle strength decreases.
The following test should be helpful here. Try to interrupt the flow when you urinate. Feel which muscles you are using for this. This is the muscle group you need to train. Note that this is only a test to find out which muscles are right.
A functioning contraction of the pelvic floor muscles feels like squeezing and lifting slightly below the pelvis and manages to interrupt the flow! However, you can also jump when your bladder is full and if any drops escape, urgent training is recommended.