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NEW: EROpharm bright’n‘white

Intimate Whitening Cream makes the genital area shine

The whitening of the intimate zone is becoming more and more popular with both women and men! The new Intimate Whitening Cream from JOYDIVISION guarantees a safe and effective whitening of sensitive skin in the intimate area. With innovative, natural ingredients, EROpharm Cream ensures a gentle effect.

The skin in the anal and genital areas is more strongly pigmented in many people. Although this dark skin caused by melanin is completely harmless, for many it represents an aesthetic deficiency. EROpharm Intimate Whitening Cream has been shown to lighten the skin within 8 weeks.

The EROpharm line from JOYDIVISION is known for high-quality over-the-counter sexual products. With the product bright'n'white Intimate Whitening Cream the series closes a gap for women and men who want a more beautiful and even complexion in sensitive areas.

Daily use leads to a clear lightening and thus to an increased attractiveness. The natural formula is particularly gentle on the skin and can even be applied rectally to the whole body.

In addition, the bright'n'white Intimate Whitening Cream has an anti-aging effect and the contained organic aloe vera has skin caring and moisturising properties. Panthenol protects against irritations and has a soothing effect. Macadamia oil and shea butter protect the skin from drying out and make it smooth and supple. 

The packaging creates confidence and the recognition of the popular and well-known EROpharm line is given. As usual with JOYDIVISION, the quality and product safety is "Made with Love in Germany".