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Press releases


Here you will find collected press releases
about JOYDIVISION products.
We are looking forward to further inspirations
and are happy to create individual texts.








Joyballs anal – anal chain „Wave“

The symphony among the anal chains is rated "very good".

Top quality confirmed

Original AQUAglide were rated "very good" by ÖKO-TEST.

Original AQUAglide from JOYDIVISION has once again been awarded the best rating. The top seller continues to earn the trust of consumers.


Trust is good... ÖKO-TEST is better!

"Original BIOglide" deserves the highest consumer confidence!

What could be better in a relationship than trust and good sex? When people know that they are only entrusting their bodies with the best quality products, happiness is almost complete!

EROpharm - Sexual devices from JOYDIVISION celebrate 20th anniversary

EROpharm is the name of the line from JOYDIVISION international AG that has been getting tired lovers back on their feet since 2002. The EROpharm line is known for high-quality over-the-counter sexual preparations. Special love creams, performance spray and the sex energiser Generation 50+ products give new power.

Many pleasure seekers know that when the mind is willing, the flesh won't play along. Just when the lovers have made themselves…

The warming top seller WARMup - available in "Mint" with 3D design

The warming massage liquid WARMup from JOYDIVISION is available in "Mint". The great demand for the previous varieties of WARMup has prompted JOYDIVISION international GmbH to develop a new creation. JOYDIVISION is proud to present this successful new flavour in a modern design.

Thanks to the quality of the food-grade flavours, the nibbles seduce and indulge the taste buds - and are completely calorie-free! The exquisite ingredients provide…