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NEW: BIOglide lube & massage oil

Gliding and massaging perfectly combined

Couples want to let themselves fall completely and have the right product at hand for every situation. The new BIOglide combination product was developed for this purpose: a soothing massage as foreplay and then, in the heat of the moment, not having to reach for the second bottle. The medical oil noticeably improves the gliding ability during sexual intercourse and as a full body massage oil the oil pampers the skin with an extra portion of moisturizing care.

In love as well as in organic products, the highest standards apply. Like all products from the extensive BIOglide range, the vegan BIOglide lubricant & massage oil offers gentle support for a carefree natural sexuality. Free of parabens and synthetic fragrances, it is absolutely skin and mucous membrane compatible.

Oliver Redschlag, CEO of JOYDIVISION international AG, is pleased and reports: "For more than 20 years, JOYDIVISION has distinguished itself by optimizing BIOglide according to the needs, attitudes and wishes of the users. The repeated awards from ÖKO-TEST and the positive feedback of the consumers confirm us in our work and reward the use of unique recipes and high quality raw materials".

Made with Love in Germany, BIOglide lubricant & massage oil is the world's first 100% biological combination of lubricant & massage oil.