Sexual health - JOYDIVISION clarifies

Unfortunately, diseases can also be transmitted during the most beautiful pastime in the world. We would like to take on the topic here and give you tips on how to protect yourself from STDs.


With body hygiene!

Do not overdo your body hygiene. Clean the intimate area with warm water and special intimate lotions, but also be careful not to overdo it, because this can irritate the mucous membranes and facilitate the penetration of bacteria, germs and viruses. Also, when shaving intimately, you should try not to injure the skin, because small injuries can promote the transmission of diseases. It is best to shave the day before.


With lube!

Yes, you read correctly! Lube ensures injury-free sex and as already mentioned, germs can penetrate more easily through injuries. Especially with more extreme sex practices, injuries can occur without lubricant, which can promote the transmission of diseases. Personal lubricant acts almost like a liquid band-aid.


With mindfulness! Be aware of your body and go to the doctor regularly

Even small signs, such as an unusual discharge or just a short-lasting itch, can be an indication of a transmitted disease. Please do not be ashamed to see your doctor if you suspect something. For a doctor, sexually transmitted diseases are also common practice and nothing to be embarrassed about. If you suspect it, a doctor of skin and sexually transmitted diseases, or gynecologist or urologist is the right person to contact.


Here is a list of sexually transmitted diseases and their first symptoms

Chlamydia: symptoms appear only after 1 to 3 weeks!

  • unusual discharge from the vagina, penis or buttocks as well as intermittent bleeding

  • burning or pain when peeing

  • pain during vaginal or anal sex

  • itching of the vagina, penis or anus

Chlamydia is dangerous because it can lead to infertility.


HPV and genital warts:

The viruses usually cause no symptoms and often heal on their own. However, if the body reacts with cell changes such as genital warts, this should be observed by a doctor. This is because more aggressive cell changes in particular can also develop into more malignant cancer.



  • severe itching at night

  • scratched skin areas on warm parts of the body

  • itchy nodules or pustules and gray, scaly skin inflammations

The thought of mites on the body is very unpleasant, but can be treated well with creams.



HIV and AIDS - It takes a few days to a few weeks for the following symptoms to appear:

  • fever and flu-like general feeling of illness

  • rash on the body (blotchy redness caused by fever)

  • diarrhea

  • swollen lymph nodes



Gonorrhea (also called gonorrhea):

  • unusual discharge from the vagina, penis, or buttocks, as well as bleeding between periods

  • burning or pain when urinating

  • itching of the vagina, penis or buttocks

  • pain during vaginal or anal sex

  • sore throat after oral sex, with no other signs of a cold


Genital herpes:

  • blisters with watery contents that burn, itch, and hurt

  • fever, muscle aches and headache



First stage

  • painless hard nodules at the site where the bacteria have invaded

Second phase

  • rash on the upper body, palms and soles of the feet, which weeps after some time, then subsides and then reappears

  • swelling of the lymph nodes

  • fever and headache, muscle and joint pain

  • hair loss in places

  • loss of appetite and weight

  • inflammation of individual organs

Third phase (usually after 3 to 5 years)

  • rubbery hardened lumps in and on the body


Hepatitis A to C:

  • fatigue

  • loss of appetite

  • headache and pain in the limbs

  • nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain

  • slight fever



  • itching, redness and inflammation of the skin

  • small bruises around the bite area


Protect yourself with condoms!

Safer sex is still the best way to protect yourself from many diseases transmitted during sexual intercourse and should always be used in non-committed partnerships.

To avoid mistakes in the application, we recommend our guide text „12 No Gos when using condoms“

However, there are also diseases for which condoms do not offer sufficient protection! For example with an HPV infection!

Since HPV viruses can also be transmitted through other skin areas, condoms only provide 50% protection against HPV infections! But there is a lubricant that forms a barrier against the viruses - BIOglide safe.

Find out more "Do condoms offer protection against HPV infections?" here.

None of this should stop you from enjoying sexuality. But if you have frequently changing sexual partners, please see a doctor for a check-up if you notice any of the above signs. If detected early, all diseases can be treated well.