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Would you like to discover tips and tricks on all kinds of love trends – from lube to ben wa balls and so on?
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What are ben wa balls? Sextoy or sports equipment - we enlighten!

Almost everyone has heard of ben wa balls, vaginal balls or even love beads and perhaps smiled about them. But what and how important ben wa balls…

Menstrual sponge – the slightly different monthly hygiene

Month after month it haunts us, restricts us, and in the stupidest case, bandages and tampons are very uncomfortable to wear. The period! No woman…

#Stayhome and #loveyourself

Masturbation helps through the Corona crisis

Right now it is especially important to do a lot of good for yourself. Singles have it especially hard…

This is how love goes in times of corona quarantine!

For couples, it now means being able or having to spend a lot of time together! This difficult time can have many consequences: break-ups, arguments…

Corona and sex! What is to be considered?

The current situation of the corona epidemic causes uncertainty in all areas. People are at home and hopefully devote themselves to the beautiful…

3 love booster in test

1) Explosion of the senses of taste thanks to lube with taste
A lubricant such as AQUAglide strawberry lube or in the BIO variant as BIOglide strawber…

Menopause: lube, a relaxed approach to sexuality and talking will help!

That way you can get through the middle of life without any problems!

No woman has to put up with listlessness during menopause. Here you will find…

Helping to get an erection

Tip for the male self-confidence

A romantic situation, the foreplay and then suddenly the break-in.

Almost every man has had the painful experience…

How much sport is good for the libido?

Topics such as "Pelvic floor training to increase desire", "Sport is good for body and soul" and so on accompany our everyday life. Do you know the…

Vibrator for beginners – this is how you find it!

The range of vibrators is getting larger and more confusing every day. The more difficult it is for beginners to find the right toy.

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